An Open Letter to You

To whomever is reading this, unless that whomever is not a human being or dog, this letter is for you. The sole purpose of this letter is to just let you know that, hey, you’re doing alright, bud. Life feeling a little hectic? That’s ok. Is so-and-so at your work being a real dick lately? Don’t worry about it, they’re probably just going through their own thing, and it really has nothing to do with you at all. It can be pretty difficult to find any meaning in the ever-expanding Universe, but I don’t fault you for having trouble. I have trouble too. We all have trouble, regardless of how much we say we don’t or try and portray that we don’t. The only important thing is to stay checked-in, in tune with whatever greater significance you choose to subscribe to. Is it really important to you that God thinks you’re being a good being, or being a being that’s being good? Then do all of the things that make God happy. Are you more of a spiritual type? Then do whatever things bring about the best vibes and that radiate the most radiant auras. Neither of those things? There’s plenty of room for you, too. Just getting to be a part of the great cosmic unfolding is pretty neat and should be celebrated. Sure, there are atrocities abound and it can be a real bitch trying to see the good in the world when the bad dominates the news cycle, but the good things are out there. I think if the atrocity-committers spent a little more time thinking about how good of a place the world could be with a little hard work and understanding, they would quickly become atrocity-preventers. Selfishness exists. Greed and Fraud and Racism all exist. There is always a gigantic tidal wave of shittiness threatening to washout the shoreline at any given moment, and yet we have made it this far. It’s getting better, even though it may not seem like it, and you have a huge chance to be a part of making it even better than it is now. Help who you can, when you can, and try really fucking hard to not cause harm. You’ll still cause harm occasionally, but the awareness of why you caused harm, and how you caused harm, and the trying to not cause that same harm again is the journey, and the acceptance of your mistakes on the never-ending path are what will get you where you need to be. Not that you’re not already great, you are! But, take a little time to improve your greatness, so that you can be even greater, and if we can all do that, imagine how fucking great that would be. But hey, I digress, have you thought about buying a new hat lately?


Cody P.